Scripture Verses

2 Thessalonians 2:13-16

Study Questions

  1. Read Matthew 13:33. How has the kingdom of God behaved like leaven in your life?  Why is it that our belief in Jesus intersects every area of our lives?
  2. Read Matthew 13:44-45. What spurred these men into radical action? In what ways has your discovery of God’s kingdom changed your life’s trajectory?
  3. Read Luke 14:15-24. What do you make of the excuses given by those invited to the banquet? On what basis are those in verses 21-23 invited? What do you learn about God and His kingdom in this passage?
  4. The five finger exercise was designed to help people consider their response to the salvation invitation that God extends to us through His Son, Jesus Christ.  Hear the Good News of Jesus’ victory through the cross and resurrection. Believe that Jesus died to save you from your sins. Repent of living a life of sin, opposed to God. Confess what you now believe about Jesus to others. Be Baptized in Jesus’ name and receive God’s gifts of the remission of sins, the Holy Spirit, and eternal life.
  5. Why is it important for us to regularly and repeatedly preach the good news to ourselves and our families? 
  6. What are some ways people around you know what you believe about    Jesus?



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The Evidence of Grace in Believing

Dr. Jon Morrissette - 11/6/2016